
"Just when you feel like it's over, just when you think you are down, someone comes along, picks you up and dusts you down; then you realize that the person who picked you up is your own hope and faith."
Copyright © 2002 Paul Cargill

"A simple soul---
Living in a complex world
With no clear-cut answers,
No right or wrongs,
Only shades of gray."
Written in 2002 by Ellen F. --- Connecticut

"God does not begin by asking us about our ability, but only about our availability, and if we then prove our dependability, he will increase our capability."
Elder Neal A. Maxwell --- Submitted by Brienne B. --- Utah

"Faithless are those who turn when the path darkens."
J.R. Tolkien --- Submitted by T.A. --- Arizona

"Many are plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Nicholas Nketiah --- Ghana

"Nothing is more resourceful than the human soul."
Copyright © 2002 Nash Ng Zheng Yan

"I know God won't give me more than I can handle.
I just wish He didn't trust me so much."
Mother Theresa --- Submitted by Samantha S. --- Texas

"Luck is what we call it when we forget that God had a plan the entire time."
Copyright © 2002 Sarah DeBoer

"Don't pray for challenges equal to your strengths,
But for strengths equal to your challenges."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Melissa M. --- Illinois

"There's a ripple effect,
In all that we do.
What you do touches me,
What I do touches you."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by K.P., Age 18 --- Michigan

"Disappointment and trouble are often the way (instruments) in which we are fashioned for better and bigger things to come. You must never give up. Life never takes away from us without giving something better in its place. Life is not a straight and easy corridor; the road is not always smooth and unhampered. Many times our paths are like a maze of passages through which we must seek, search, and find our way.

At times we find our way and then are confused - at one time we find ourselves on a freeway and then again in a blind alley. But always, if we have faith, God will open another door. Perhaps not the door we thought was the best but another door, which HE knows is the best, that will take us to a greater and more useful destination.

Out of my deepest hurts have come my greatest strengths. If the door you hoped for has closed, try the other one --- it just could be the pathway that could lead to the greatest fulfillment of your dreams."
Don Polston --- Submitted by Stephanie Williams --- South Carolina

"God's purposes are furthered through relationships with others.
Some of the relationships are with friends and some are with enemies."
Written in 2002 by M. Collier --- Mississippi

"Whatever happens in life, it'll be okay."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Nathan Edwards --- Ohio

"Love those who love you; love those who don't."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Brie J. --- California

"We must travel through mountains to appreciate the smoothness of the road."
Written in 2001 by Ray G. --- British Columbia, Canada

"I looked into your eyes and saw the world. I looked into your heart and saw my own. Your love and strong spirit drive me forward and I realize that I am the luckiest woman alive."
Copyright © 2002 Melissa Seefeldt

"If the answer is within the Universe, it is within you."
Copyright © 2000 Gil Lawrence

"Nothing great is lightly won
Nothing great is lost
Every deed nobly done
Shall repay the cost"
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Ashwin Ganesh --- Maharashtra, India

"Life alone is lonely; life with many brings prosperity."
Copyright © 2002 Jim Cavanaugh

"Surely I have glanced down many paths before choosing the one I'm on. I chose the one with the most hills, curves, twists, and turns because it is my belief that it is the journey that defines the person, not the other way around."
Copyright © 2002 Chris Misenis

"Walk with love in your heart, and you'll never walk alone."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Amy Smith --- England, United Kingdom

"You can write your plans in pencil, but you have to give God the eraser."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Laura Chaffin --- Ohio

"It's never too late for a new beginning!"
Copyright © 1999 Haullie Free

"Sometimes in life there are struggles and triumphs, but in the end, they were all worth while."
Copyright © 2001 Autumn Cornett

"Whatever the challenge,
Whatever the need,
You've got what it takes,
You will succeed."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by A.C. --- New York

"To surround yourself with positive people feels like an Angel has wrapped her wings around your heart."
Copyright © 2001 Sarah Jean Smith

"There's going to be some stuff that's going to make it hard for you to smile in the future. But through whatever you see, through all the rain and the pain, you've got to keep your sense of humor. You've got to be able to smile through all this bs; remember that."
Tupac Shakur --- Submitted by Abdulkadir Haji --- Minnesota

"We are not evolution's ultimate product. There's something coming after us and I imagine it's something wonderful, but we may never be able to comprehend it any more than a caterpillar can comprehend turning into a butterfly."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Phelix Vaughn --- Florida

"I slept and dreamt that life was Joy.
I woke and saw that life was Duty.
I acted, and behold, Duty was Joy."
Rabinranath Tagore, Nobel Prize-winner --- Submitted by HB Himelstein --- Maryland

"I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free."
Michelangelo --- Submitted by Catherine Anderson --- Minnesota

"Everyone's show must go on, and it's up to us to make it a good one."
Lorna Luft --- Submitted by Kylee M. --- Pennsylvania

I love myself;
I believe in myself;
I will forgive those who offend me;

I believe in my family;
I deserve the best;
I get the best;

I believe that success is result of intelligent effort;
I believe in prayer;
I believe I will get out of my life exactly what I put in to it.
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Shailendra Vasale --- Maharashtra, India

"We have Common Ground. We all have a body, which is readily visible. We have a mind that is witnessed by our words, a spirit that is seen through our actions. Spirituality is our Common Ground. We come together having arrived through many value systems. We search for those common threads that unite us and validate us. We unify through our commonality; we respect our diversity. In the openness of our spirits, we move forward seeking the truth about ourselves."
Copyright © 2001 Jane Mullikin

"I will guide myself through the darkness with a light I shine from within."
D. Powers --- Submitted by Rico Santos --- Hawaii

"Nobody can take away your pain,
So don't let anyone take away your happiness."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Teri Taman --- British Columbia, Canada


Each day as I kneel to pray
For both of you I say " Lord thank-you"
For blessing me with a special gift
That always brings to my heart a lift
Your laughter, your tears
Your joys and your fears
Have all become a part of me
Without them, I wonder what life would be
Dull, meaningless and empty.

My two little girls, you are my world
I feel happy to have you around me
With your constant chatter and activity
There's never a quiet moment with you there
I forget all my troubles and cares
As in your life I start to share
I long to return home to you
To feel, touch and listen
To watch what you do
To share in an experience
That's interesting and new

When you hold out your hand and reach for mine
When you ask me to help you with a sum or rhyme
When we run halfway to school just to be on time
When I scold you and then later everything's fine
When together we sit down to enjoy a game
And I watch you spell out your sweet name
Its YOU TWO that have made life worthwhile
With your constant prattle and innocent smile.

The cards that you make on Mother's day
Just tug at my heartstrings in a gentle way
An outpouring of love
That brings me to tears
Most precious are your childhood years

When you run up to me with a goodbye kiss
To be close to you is my greatest wish
When I return home from work to your warm welcome
I feel, yes I am a lucky mum
In your bed at night, when you hold me tight
When the world is asleep, we have turned out the lights
I know I am blest beyond measure
For you are my greatest, most precious treasure

When your dad is away on long business trips
And there's so much to do of "that" and of "this"
Of course, dad we all do miss
But I forget the loneliness, in your company
For you keep me busy, you make me happy
And before we know it dad's back with us
Oh the days have flown so fast

May God keep us always close together
Through the good and bad we encounter
We were man and wife, then you both came
Ever since - life has never been the same
From a couple to a family
From a house to a home
From two to four
Yet One unit are We
Thank God for families,
Thank God for YOU
YOU'VE made each day interesting and new
I know in my heart "I love and need you"
Copyright © 2002 Sharon Pires

"Blessed are those who believe and see through the eyes of a child."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by M. Yoder --- Oregon


My mind contemplates
My heart quietly aches
On the journey to distant places in my soul.

Pictures of acquaintances
No names, just many faces
Searching for my Self amongst the crowd.

Color drenched trees along the way
One trunk inscribed with "a + j"
Remembering when love was as simple as holding hands.

Forks in the road, what way to go
Relying on faith to help me know
Confident God will be with me, I will be ok.

Overgrown weeds of doubt
Much taller then I, impossible to see out
Determination growing with every step to persevere.

Meadows filled with fragrant flower
My heartbeat tolls the coming hour
Catching glimpse with hesitation, do I want to see.

Revealing then a mirrored lake
Reflections of my past mistakes
Awakening tears over lessons learned.

Temptations, trials, all were shown
Catalysts for how I'd grown
Breathing into my soul forgiveness and love.

Upon blades of grass, under sun filled skies
I sob in discovery of all the whys
Embracing, for the first time, the substance of who I am.
Copyright © 2001 Marnie A. Schmidt

"Living is not dwelling in what has been left behind.
Instead, it's anticipating what lies ahead."
Copyright © 2001 Mavic Buada

"I show you doubt, to prove that faith exists."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Ryan C. --- California


When you feel you are alone
You are not
He is there

When you feel like no one cares
Someone does
He does

When you need someone to talk to
Talk to Him
He will listen

When your day seems too dark
Turn to Him
He is your light

When you lose your way
Reach for Him
He will guide you
When at the end of the day
To thank Him
Written By Phyllis E. McWatters 2002 - Words By God

"I would rather drift beside you as a ghost, a soul condemned for life,
Than enter heaven without you."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Chris Scott --- Alberta, Canada

"Don't give up because you don't' know what's next.
Try and look ahead - to see what God's will is for you."
Copyright © 2002 Alison L. Siebert

In prayer, it is better to have a heart with no words, than words with no heart."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Linda Drake --- Alberta, Canada

Grant me the strength to forgive myself
When innocent mistakes occur.

Grant me the knowledge to forgive myself
When decisions thought right backfire.

Grant me the courage to forgive myself
When issues arise I can't control.

Grant me the ability to forgive myself
When perfection falls short.

Grant me the intelligence to forgive myself
When my shortcomings are exposed.

Grant me the strength to forgive others
When errs are done onto me.
Written in 2001 by Ellen F. --- Connecticut

"Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls; for my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
Matthew 11: 28 - 30 --- Submitted by VJ Quadras --- Maharashtra, India

"Only through realizing our imperfections will we ever reach perfection."
Copyright © 1998 Jennifer Kehoe


Dare we go back to childhood, as a child we do hear tell
Fairy tales, show and tell and the pennies in wishing wells
The candy canes and paper planes, catching fireflies in a jar
Hide and seek, trick or treat and wishing upon a star

Riding bikes and flying kites, "Can I go out to play?"
Chocolate bunnies, we'd read the funnies, sprinklers on summer days
Red Rover, Red Rover and sleep overs, in sand boxes we would make
The 'king of the hill', it still seems real, the 'Tooth Fairy' and birthday cakes

Christmas lights and pillow fights, milk and cookies left under the tree
Eager minds and counting time, we couldn't wait for the gifts he'd leave
The time has flown and what's unknown, our first child will see the same
A second chance to sing and dance, through our child our youth remains
Copyright © 2000 Brian G. Jett

"Pain in itself is hurtful, but it is the brain of a strong-minded individual that will take that wound in one's heart and fill it with a loving energy."
Copyright © 2001 Kelly King Jr.

The existence of a mere moment
Where time is placed upon the breeze of the night
Where the pull of the moon guides my thoughts
And the illuminating stars guide my steps
The passage of destiny awaits for my heart and soul
To be at peace where harmony is one with my all
Copyright © 2001 Debra K. Bruce

"In the still of the moment, we learn.
In the silence of life, we listen.
In our greatness, we forgive."
Copyright © 2001 Peter Barrett

"Once you are a friend, you are forever."
Copyright 2002 James W. Miller

"Believe in yourself! Believe in yourself, in the power you have, to control your own life day by day. Believe in the strength that you have deep inside and your faith will help show you the way. Believe in tomorrow and what it will bring. Let a hopeful heart carry you through. For things will work out if you trust and believe there is no limit to what you can do!"
Larry S. Chengges --- Submitted by Emma A. --- Tasmania, Australia

"Whatever you give will find countless ways back to you."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by G.C. --- California

"Work as if everything depends upon you.
Pray as if everything depends upon GOD."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Sanjay Verma --- Trivandrum, India

"Faith can have a profound impact on health. It only requires that one fully embrace possibility, and the ultimate value is in the depth of the embrace."
Patch Adams, M.D. --- Submitted by Chen Fawn Meng --- Malaysia

"God may not always give us answers,
But He always gives us the grace."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Pauline Co --- Manila, Philippines

"Throw back the shoulders, let the heart sing, let the eyes flash, let the mind be lifted up, look upward and say to yourself:Nothing is impossible!"
Norman Vincent Peale --- Submitted by Murali Duggineni --- Andhra Pradesh, India

"Believe it to be the Lord's inspiration behind all you say and do."
Shree Gunatitanand Swami --- Submitted by Danny B. --- UP, India

"Be faithful to God in the minutes and hours
And the days and years will take care of themselves."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Tanya Huynh --- Tennessee

"When God laughs at us, He's reminded that we were created in His own image."
Copyright © 2001 Greg Olson

"There would be no rainbow for the soul without tears from the eyes."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Stacia Davis --- Tennessee

"May your dreams, hopes, and aspirations never be outshadowed by your fears, anxieties, or insecurities."
Copyright © 1985 Bill DiBenedetto


I am thankful for... my family my friends all through the end
I am thankful for... my life my home for this very poem
I am thankful for ... the food I eat, the things I drink, and always a little wink
I am thankful for... my education, my fun every day in snow or sun
I am thankful for... every day, every year, every second is oh so dear
I am thankful for... all these wonderful things as mother nature sings!
Copyright © 2001 Tara Rohaley


I see a child
I see a child's tear
I see a child's smile
I see no fear

Their unquestioning love
How strong, how true
Their courage, their innocence
It carries them through

We have a lot to learn
Both you and I
From ones so young
From those who try

They see the same sun
Its warmth draws them near
Wherever they are
All through the year

The sun is compassion
Its warmth, our support
We must stay strong
It's what we are taught

For they are a beacon
They are the light
To show us the path
To show us what's right

So let's work together
No matter what tongue
To learn from each other
The old and the young
Copyright © 2001 Jonathan Carter


Did you hear about the rose that grew from a crack in the concrete?
Proving nature's laws wrong it learned to walk without having feet.
Funny it seems, but by keeping it's dreams alive it learned to breathe fresh air.
Long live the rose that grew from concrete when no one else even cared.
Tupac Shakur --- Submitted by Tom Tollefson --- New Hampshire

"If you do your best, GOD will do the rest."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by P.C. --- SA, Australia

"Weep not for the past, but live for the future."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by L. Raley --- Indiana

"Don't ever let anyone make you miserable; because out there somewhere is someone who only wants tomake you happy."
My Mom --- Submitted by S.R. --- Kentucky

"There is nothing stronger than the heart of a volunteer."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Todd Dodson --- Indiana

"If joy and sorrow must finally unite
And the soft heartbeat of the sparrow be heard above jet-roar
I will sing;
Not of tomorrow's impossible paradise
But of what now gleams."
Brian Patten --- Submitted by Sachin Stalin --- Goa, India

"If you have a mountain in front of you,
Never tell God 'Look how big the mountain is',
But tell the mountain 'look how big my God is'."
Copyright © 2001 Vijay Quadras

"It's too late to change the past, but there's still time to shape the future!"
Copyright © 1997 Angie Williams

"God has reasons for allowing things to happen. We may not understand his wisdom but simply, we have to trust his will."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Lex Pacheco --- Manila, Philippines