"The lessons learned by students are not always the lessons the teacher intended to teach."
Copyright © 1972 Dennis Gable

"It is our duty to change the world."
Sydney Poitier in the 1967 movie To Sir, With Love" --- Submitted by ELizabeth Foy --- Georgia

"Trying times are for doing just that....TRYING!"
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Ashley M., Age 15 --- Michigan
One of my family members told me this before my final exams. It really made a big difference!

"Think out of the bowl... don't be like everyone else...there is nothing special about being like someone else...and if you work hard enough, you will be magnificent...and that is the greatest you can be."
Brenda Clark, Speech Coach --- Submitted by L.W., Age 13 --- Texas
My theater coach says this to us all the time. She is a really great coach and teaches us many great life tips. Thanks, Mrs. Clark, for everything!

"Knowledge generation really only occurs in teams where people engage in doing meaningful work."
Paul Senge

"The world is not interested in what we do for a living. What they are interested in is what we have to offer freely - hope, strength, love, and the power to make a difference!"
Sasha Azevedo --- Submitted by Jonathan R. --- Ontario, Canada

"We read books to find out who we are. What other people, real or imaginary, do and think and feel is an essential guide to our understanding of what we ourselves are and may become."
Ursula K. Le Guin --- Submitted by Jasmine L., Age 15 --- Singapore

"Children are uncut jewels with invaluable potential. Teachers are jewelers with tools for making futures priceless."
Copyright © 2003 Angela Harper Brooks

"Teaching is so enjoyable it is almost a sin, but yet a sin that raises and educates the next generation."
Copyright © 2004 Melanie Griffith

"The world is moved along, not only by the mighty shoves of its heroes, but also by the aggregate of tiny pushes of each honest worker."
Helen Keller

"Sometimes we are too busy staring in one direction, having been pacified with what has been and what is, that we miss out on what surrounds us and what could be or what might have been."
Copyright © 2004 Ronald J. Champion

"I don't drive the bus; I honk the horn."
Stanley Zazarinski --- Submitted by JEC --- Texas

"Success is what everybody has. You have to go to school and find it."
Copyright © 2004 Helen Brown

"When you change the life of a child...then you change the world!!"
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Lindsay Bumpus --- Florida

"The heart knows no boundaries. A teenager defines them."
Written in 2004 by Victoria P., Age 16 --- Arkansas

"Try to avoid the most natural of all human tendencies; the nonchalant habit of resisting and rejecting out of hand, what we fail to appreciate or comprehend."
Copyright © 2004 Joseph P. Martino

"Man does not learn anything, if he is not challenged. But if a man is challenged, he shall be rewarded with confidence, optimism, and intelligence. The road to success is not given to man. Man has to earn his way to this road and when he gets there he shall expect the unexpected, and desire the undesirable. When he has earned his way to the road of success he can do nothing but wait, wait to be challenged, and wait to succeed to the next level of success. Life is like a video game, even though you have succeeded there are many more levels to succeed in."
Copyright © 2004 Shay Noori

"Good teaching is more a giving of right questions than right answers."
Josef Albers --- Submitted by H.Y. --- Ohio
It's true, one can't learn by memorizing, one learns by experiencing.