How To Get Inspired In Life?

Reading Positive Words Of Hope|Encouragement|Love

Inspiration sometimes comes quickly into your life, sometimes not. So what do you do to improve your chances? Read a few quotes each morning and before you go to bed. Whatever words you put into your mind, stay in your mind. Make sure the words are positive!

sailboat and sunset

"You can do anything if you have enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is the yeast that makes your hopes rise to the stars."
Henry Ford

"Sometimes we should just believe and not always look for the proof because the intelligence of humans is still nothing in comparison to the one who has created us."
Written in 2020 by Sheetal Patel --- IND

"Work on options, by staying in a relationship,rather than working out of it."
Vikki Kumar --- IND

"The Peacemaker taught us about the Seven Generations. He said, when you sit in council for the welfare of the people, you must not think of yourself orof your family, not even of your generation. He said, make your decisions on behalf of the seven generations coming, so that they may enjoy what you have today."
Oren R. Lyons Jr. --- Submitted By Jack Hayes --- USA
Native American Faithkeeper of the Turtle Clan of the Seneca Nations of the Iroquois Confederacy.

"If you fall in humility, forgiveness will be quick to lift you; if you fall in arrogance, pride will hold you down."
Written in 2020 by John Valdez --- TX

"Your body can be trapped, caged, or shackled by men,but your mind can only be imprisoned by you."
Jay Kitamura --- submitted by Maria S. --- USA

"Live for today... consider tomorrow. "
Written in 2020 by Craig C. Stampler --- TN

"Be a bright star in someone's sky, guide them down the right path and do not lie. I promise you that if you do this your life will be blessed too. "
Written in 2020 by Adam Hudson --- CAN

"Welcome to the new day! Enjoy the beauty of the season with your loved one. Every day, this side of the grass, provides unlimited opportunity to dream bigger than we have ever dreamed, believe beyond our grandest expectations, and see the things we have imagined in the depth of our soul become our vital living realities. What an amazing time to be alive. Enjoy the moments!"
Written in 2019 by Henry W. Lloyd --- WA

"Beginning with a Smile, I take a deep Breath and start to Relax. Knowing all is Well, I Give Thanks. For in this Holy Moment, I am surrounded by Angels."
Written in 2019 by Edward G. Drennan --- Canada

"Forgive to Help Yourself Heal. By making meaning out of your hurt and learning what it has to teach you, you can make yourself better for having endured it, but first, you must go through it. You have to accept, experience, process, and release to heal and come out stronger. "
Written in 2019 by Harry H. Bornstein --- RI

inspirational quote

"Facing personal truths and purging yourself of addictions or manipulative habits requires strength, courage, humility, faith, and the other qualities of a soul with stamina because you are not just changing yourself... you are changing your universe. Your soul is a compass. Change on coordinate in your spiritual compass and you change your entire life's direction."
Caroline Myss --- Submitted by Lauren Covington

"Smiling is like yawning. You yawn. They yawn. You smile. They WILL smile."
Written in 2017 by Dawn Madura --- IN

"Admitting our faults, shortcomings, and weaknesses define us as human. Acknowledging and attempting to overcome them is the conception of healing."
Written by Robert C. Haifley
Over the course of my life I have written down these simple thoughts that the Lord has laid upon my heart the same of which continue to help me become a better human being.

"Sometimes God blesses us not by what He gives but by what He takes away."
Written in 2019 by Lanre Success --- NGA

"The answer to the meaning of life is to live it to the fullest. If you live life to the fullest, you will find the answers you are searching for."
Written in 2019 by Christopher Ammirati --- NJ

"There was never a Night or a Problem that could defeat Sunrise or Hope."
Bernard Williams --- Submitted by George Wachirah --- KEN

Words about may you always find peace.

"May you find peace in all things you touch. May your energy only attract people you'll come to love and may you heart be content with that."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Lauren Covington

"Life is a long undetermined journey, everyday we encounter new chellanges in various areas of our lives, so it is important for us to adopt and develop an open and adventurous mind that will emanate greatness that is within, and to bring about the self-actualization that we are powerful beyond measures."
Written in 2018 by Emroy Murray --- JAM

"Thanksgiving is a very rich rostrum for the manifestation of signs and wonders. Thankfulness is a wonderful place to live from."
Written in 2018 by Daniel Etaze --- NGA

"Your vision is your mission that God placed inside your heart since the day you were born. Your task now is to fulfill it in no time at all so you can experience a full life intended for you by our ever loving and merciful God who cares for us forevermore."
Written in 2018 by Leandro E. Pasamba --- PHL

"You can spend your entire little life locked safely out of sight, dying with the fear of all life's deadly realities or you could fight death undaunted, living a life on the edge of freedom spiced with dangerous possibilities but without the tearful doubts or stinging regret of what you could have done or might truly become, because we only live once before time forgets us all in the light of eternity."
Written in 2002 by Russell Matthew Taunton

"Mistakes are wonderful tools of discovery. Many of the world's greatest creative works began as a mistake."
Jordan F. Ricks --- UT

starfish picture with and inspirational quote by Willie Nelson

"When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around."
Willie Nelson