Success Is Waiting For You, Are You Ready?

You Were Created To Soar To Success

"Come to the edge of the nest," said the mother eagle to her babies.

The three eaglets peered over and looked down, daring not to go too far near the edge.

"We are afraid," they replied, as they hid under the safety of their mother's comfortable wing.

"Come here," she encouraged. "And I will help you."

They came and with a loving, watchful eye, the mother eagle gently pushed the young eaglets out of their nests.

And with a courageous spirit, the eaglets flew upward and onward to fulfill their destined calling.

In our journey through life, like the eaglet, we were created to soar upward and onward to new, exciting experiences and a meaningful future. So take a step out of your comfort zone. Extend out; reach ahead,stretch further than where you are today, to get to where you desire to be tomorrow.

What really matters to you?

Have you clearly defined what you would like in your life?

Now, do you believe you can attain it?

Factors may be weighing against you, but do not be constrained by your circumstances.

Sometimes, we may be impelled or pushed out of a comfortable place to stretch us into a new terrain of blessings, where the outcome is far better than we could ever have imagined.

In 1978 two men, Arthur Blank and Bernie Marcus, unexpectedly lost their management jobs at a chain of hardware stores. Instead of viewing their job loss as a negative and being overwhelmed with despair,these seasoned business professionals saw this adversity as an opportunity to improve their conditions and take positive control of their future careers.

Many have found that past difficulties have inspired them to their greatest achievements. For the hardships that we face can provide us with a chance to discover who we really are, what we are made of,what we're destined to become and share with others.

Thus, receptive to innovation and with an entrepreneurial spirit, the men had been envisioning, for a while, a new approach to the home-improvement field. As a result, the two men decided to join forcesand formulated a plan to implement their vision.

Some critics laughed at them when they heard about their pioneering business idea; a new concept for a nationwide chain of home-improvement stores. Yet, the strong-willed men did not let other peopletalk them out of daring to reach for success.

I like what Ralph Waldo Emerson once inscribed, "Whatever you do, you need courage. Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficultiesarising that tempt you to believe your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires some of the same courage that a soldier needs. Peace has its victories, but ittakes brave men and women to win them."

Arthur Blank and Bernie Marcus continued to research their brainchild; superstores with a wide variety of products at low prices and excellent customer service. They applied their knowledge, and with apositive outlook and a desire to make a difference in the lives of others, enthusiastically worked toward their venture. A year later, Arthur Blank and Bernie Marcus co-founded the Home Depot store chain.

Whatever you aspire to do, whatever you want to be, you can accomplish it.

Perhaps, everywhere you turn, you've been hit with ongoing troubles. But don't be swept away with the notion that, "It's over for me now," "I have missed my chance," or "I've made too many mistakes tosucceed." Let go of previous disappointments and forgive those who may have hurt you. It's not too late or too early to transform your situation for the better.

A few months ago, I hurt my right shoulder lifting weights. At a routine doctor's visit, I explained to the doctor what had happened. After he examined my arm and took x-rays, I questioned, "Should I keepexercising?" The doctor replied, "Yes," and went on to say that some injuries heal quicker if you keep on moving.

I believe that the same concept holds true when we encounter setbacks. Despite what's happened, we have to keep on moving forward! So don't stop, or think a past difficulty is the end. Learn from challengingexperiences and keep on moving forward. Remember, just one 'yes,' one 'opportunity' one 'idea' or one 'person,' can turn past sorrows into present joys.

Today, assess your heart's desires. What would you pursue if anything were possible?

Get a pencil and a sheet of paper and sit down and make a list of your aspirations.

Reach as high as your imagination will take you. And jot down dates in which your desired goals should be accomplished, believing and affirming daily their realization.

Just as an eagle soars far above the plains below, higher and higher into the azure sky, you have further to go on your journey. Get your enthusiasm back. God is guiding you, and there are infinitepossibilities ahead. So, let them unfold. A whole, new, clear glorious life lies before you.

Copyright © 2010 Catherine Galasso-Vigorito
Author of the acclaimed syndicated weekly column, "A New You," featured in newspapers nationwide since the early 1990's. Known for her ability to uplift and encourage, Catherine has become America's most beloved inspirational voice. Be sure to visit her website at:

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