When was the last time you sat down with yourself for a good assessment of your life? Don't we all need to know where we've been, how the changes we made in the past are affecting us today, where we want to be in the future and what aspects of our personal style are standing in our way of moving forward towards the life we really want to live?

Each of us will find a time and place to do this, if we want to. What are the benefits of deciding to look inside? Suddenly you are allowing yourself to do something precious - give yourself time. Every one of us is overbooked in our lives with little time to do anything for ourselves. We have jobs, families and friends who all demand our attention. How can we bring more to our daily relationships if we don't take the time to know and understand ourselves first?

I won't kid you and say it is all rosy when you do your inner research. Sometimes you have to deal with issues you swept under the rug - knowing one day you would have to look at them again. But guess what? Today is all any of us gets, and even this is not a guarantee. So look inside - deal with what you want to avoid now. Get it out of the way so you can move forward.One thing I do recommend is to also thank yourself for all the courage you have shown in the past, for everyone has had a rocky road at sometime in his or her life. Celebrate the challenges you have overcome. Examine the times you have not triumphed and the lesson you were supposed to learn as a result. Be truthful.

If you make a commitment to improve at least one aspect of your personality this year and develop a game plan with a start date, before you know it, you will be on your way to the life you really want.

Have a great week ahead,


Stories / Articles 2004

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